The use of data is a core element of our collective impact approach. We collect and learn from data so that we can openly share information and adapt our strategies in response to an ever changing environment. Our partnerships are sustained by a commitment to use meaningful, credible and useful qualitative and quantitative data for continuous learning and strategic refinement.
Note: Using a desktop (instead of a mobile device or tablet) will provide an optimized review of the data provided on this dashboard.

Progress indicators note trend of change since 2013 unless otherwise noted
Please contact Wilson Forward if you or your organization would like a printable copy of any data provided
Note: Information for the 2019/2020 academic year is unavailable due to COVID-19
Note: We have provided the most recent data available, and the baseline year is 2013.
Sources: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Health Rankings
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
North Carolina Department of Commerce